Wednesday, February 25, 2015

1) What percentage of water has the Aral Sea lost?  60%
2) Why has this water been lost? becus the largest river is blocked by iiragation 
3) What other environmental problems affect the area? pestisides and 
4) What would have to be done to keep the lake at its present level? open up the river and  stop the use of the water
5) What did you learn about Lake Biakal from the video? cemicals will be in the lake for the next 400 years 
6) In the city of Verkhoyansk what extreme temperatures have been recorded? -90 to 94 
7) How did Russia's harsh winter help the country in the 1800s (and during WWII)? it stoped napolen from taking over russa ansd it stop and slowed dowen hitlar 
8) What made the building of the Trans-Siberian Railroad an enormous undertaking?it coverd over 5,700 mielss and harsh wether as wel as bildein briges over sevrell larg rivers 
9) Research and find a major city in Siberia.  What is its population and major attractions? my city is omsk it has a pouation 1,166,029

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

1) List three important cities that are located in the Northern European Plain. Moscow kive st peaters burg   
2) What percentage of the region's population lives in this plain? 70%
3) What border do the Caucasus Mountains form?  the borded between russa and transacneas
4) What are the two largest lakes in Central Asia? lake bikal and the airl sea 
5) How long is the Volga River? 2,294 miles
6) Why is Lake Baikal important? it woleds most of the world fresh water and hast the workeds onlel fress water seal 
7) What are some of the resources that have been developed in Russia and the Republics? coule iron oil and lumber
8) Why might extracting and transporting the region's resources be difficult? coold tempicher and lack of good trans portaion 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

1) How do people in your country feel about EU membership? 
They want to be a part of it to sustain higher economy.
2) How might future expansion affect the economies of your country?
The economy would be raised and more stable. 

3) What potential problems face nations who want to adopt the euro?
With Euro value declining could cause the economy to drop and transitional period changing out the old currency to the Euro would create economic instability. 

4) What political or cultural issues might arise because of the EU expansion?
Politicians of separate countries may not agree on executive decisions. large amounts of immigration might cause lack of jobs and poverty. 

5) What did you learn about other countries through their presentations (list two distinct and detailed things).

Romania- dose not have the eroe and is trying to adopet the eror for econmic pepooses romain had one of the fastes econmic grothow at 8.4% until 2009 

Germany-the a berline wall split germane apart ant spilit the the religons 

new vocabe

1) Beshrew: (v) to be wicked

2) Peruse: (v) to examine carefully

3) Caitiff:(n) cowardly person

4) Penury: (n) extreme poverty 

5) Haughty: (adj) arrogantly superior 

6) Sepulcher: (n) tomb, grave, or burial place

7) Remnants: (n) leftover fragment or scrap

8) Apothecary (n) a pharmacist 

9) Amorous: (adj) showing or expressing love, arouse

10) Ambiguities: (n) doubtfulness ; uncertainty 

11) Scourge: (n) a whip or lash, form of torture 

12) Inauspicious (adj) unfavorable being sick

Thursday, February 12, 2015

1) how did history afct in the conflict of Kosvo
 becus of fights between the peopls on the air whating to be a free power frome control of echothrr along with the world wars coneubtin to farther spillt there ideas

2) cultrla and religss belevs sperated dpepol cusing inr fighting

3)thay had foued the the pepol where being tochered

4) relgus belef  and that serbia refusese o aske nolige  balkesn as a cuntrey

5) bracking dowen biledings destring forests .

6)i belv gremaney

7)it is so hard becus the polshi in whater spreds fast and is expensive to cleen up think shch as oil spills

8) the forunes fo the eu are ECSE , EEC and the EC

9) becus it alowd othe cuntres to be unifind and see if a cuntrey was billding up a war fors

10) thay do not have a lot of expirenc with being part of a democrosey and there could be some hared fealing a bout it

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Act two 

seen one : romeo o' romeo whrer are you 

seen 2 romeo and jolit confention 

seen 3 juilet up on the balkiney rome on looking up for love 

seen 4 cunfess to are father and lord

seen 5 t mry them or not to mary them  
1) Democracy and college

2) They had effects on religion   Langwig and colonies such as Brazil

3) Because they  are a minority that will fight for there freedom and wav cause conflict

4)The reformation split religion to Protestant and Catholic causing fight like the crusades.

5) People of sup stats waited to be independent so they fought for there freedom and it spilt up large kingdoms to fight among themselves

6) They are famous for Bach and and Beethoven, Wolf Gang Amadeus Mozart.

7) The vikings were a group of nordic warriors that rated and piled using the hot and run technique. They were also great sailer .

8) Since it is not connected to other lands and it had large deposits of iron and coal . It also had large a mount of supplies coming in from colonies. Also they had a large navy with lots of good sailers

9) Because of communism and the fact that they were a large part of ww1 and ww2 so they had to break from the Communist control and fight for their own government.

10) Since most factors were owned by the Government and had outdated Technology. The econmy did not grow because they did not trade and sell to other countries.