Wednesday, February 18, 2015

new vocabe

1) Beshrew: (v) to be wicked

2) Peruse: (v) to examine carefully

3) Caitiff:(n) cowardly person

4) Penury: (n) extreme poverty 

5) Haughty: (adj) arrogantly superior 

6) Sepulcher: (n) tomb, grave, or burial place

7) Remnants: (n) leftover fragment or scrap

8) Apothecary (n) a pharmacist 

9) Amorous: (adj) showing or expressing love, arouse

10) Ambiguities: (n) doubtfulness ; uncertainty 

11) Scourge: (n) a whip or lash, form of torture 

12) Inauspicious (adj) unfavorable being sick

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