Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Vocabulary Sentences

Vocabulary Sentences

1) Blandly- Johnson asked if he could use my car, but I blandly stated no.

2) Gaunt- After walking through the desert I was gaunt.

3) Indolently-  Indolently did my home work last night. 

4) Scruples- I am scruples towards killing this man.

5) Gossamer- The spider spun a gossamer in corner of my window. 

6) Palpable- The play dough is soft and palpable.

7) Nocturnal- A bat is the nocturnal hunter of the bugs.

8) Futile- The battle against the sith empire is futile. 

9) Furtive-  Thaey had a furtive meting.

10) Reciprocate- The motors piston reciprocate back and forth.

11) Naive- The rebel scum is naive compared to the sith.

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