1) Which parts of Canada and the United States have the most similar climate? noorthern usa and notht west
2) What areas in Canada and the U.S. have areas of permafrost? alask and north west canad
3) What kind of climates do not exist in Canada? tropical and medatrainein
4) Which two states in the U.S. have tropical climates? hawiey ans sother florda
5) Where are the Everglades located?in florda
6) Within which climate would you most likely find a rain forest? tropical
7) What kids of extreme weather occur often in the Great Plains? tornadwos
8) What areas are most at risk for flooding?missasipy
9) What areas suffer hurricanes?atlntica cost and gulf of mexico
10) What climate regions do the U.S. and Canada share?tundra humid contanetal subratic
11) What climate regions are found in the U.S. but not in Canada? trpical marin west cost
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