Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1) What did you learn about EU countries in this section? thay are con jouned  and have a a joint econimy to stabellise 

2) How do language and religion reflect the cultural division in Western Europe? tHAY CUSS FIGHTS THROO THE DISS AGREMENTS AND cused relijus fights 

3) Which Western European leaders tried to unify Europe through conquest? charlaman hitlar napolen 

4) In what way does Western Europe have a diverse economy?

5) What was the Reformation? 99 cituzium that martin lother made towerd the cherch 

6) What was the Holocaust? is whaen 6 millun 

7) What was the Berlin Wall? was made to devisd comunist and 

8) What are some characteristics of Modern Life in Western Europe?

what langwigess do thay speee in luxin burg
  in the nether lands vrithing is bassed wen you are 18 
in the nether laneds thay do a mud wallk 

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