Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Characters in Romeo and Juliet

Montague- is ready to fight capulet

Lady Montague- does not want him to join the fight

Romeo- Son of Montague and is love sick

Benvolio- Romeo's cousin Montague tries to break up the fight between Gregory and Samson but is challenged by Tybalt. Inquires to know who Romeo is in love with

Gregory- is Montague started

Samson- is Capulet

Tybalt- Capulet who is challenging Benvolio

Officers- Come and try to break up Benvolio and Tybalt

Capulet- Comes in ready to fight

Lady Capulet- thinks Capulet is to old to fight

Prince Escales- comes and breaks up the fight between capulet and montague


Rosemary-(n) evergreen shrub/ herb/ in the mint family
Sallow- (adj) sickly or yellow color
Waverer- (verb) to sway to and fro, flutter
Perverse-(adj) willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected
Cunning-(n) skill employed in a shrewed or sly manner, as in deceiveing and sly manner
Procure-(n) to obtain or get by care, effort or the use of special needs
Kinsmen- familey

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