Allusions: The allusion-fly near the sun. This is alluiting to Icarus flying with his wax wings to close to the sun. Montag is Icarus flying to close to the sun. The knowledge of his books is the sun and Beaty is the sun melting the wings.
Mathew Arnold is the author, of Dover Beach. It is a poem of sadness that effects Ms. Phillips causing her to break down in tears. But she does not know why she started crying.
Valise-(n) small piece of luggage
Summary: Montag sends out Mrs. Bowles with saying this "Go home and think of your first husband divorced and your second husband killed in a Jet and your third husband blowing his brains out, go home and think of the dozen abortions you've had, go home and think of that and your damn Caesarian sections, too, and your children who hate your guts!"Then Montag carries the books into the back yard and hides them into the bush.Montag then arrives at the firehouse has a game of poker with Beaty.Then Beaty explains a dream to Montag where he and Montag are fighting each other over great words of Literature.Then the alarm signaling that there are a report of books that need to be burned. The fireman jump to life hustling equipment and starting up the salamander; firetruck.Beaty drives the firetruck with speed around the corners then stopping in front of Montag's house.The fireman arrive at Montag's house and his face is numb and featureless as he stares at his house at broken windows for cross breeze which is better for keeping a fire burning. Mildred runs out of the house with a valise into a taxi which races from the house. Then Beaty has a conversation with Montag which he says "Montag you're a burden. And fire will lift you off my shoulders, clean, quick, sure; nothing to rot later. Antibiotic, aesthetic, practical." In the middle of Montag's house lays a incredible pile of books like swan feathers.then Beaty flips open his lighter. montag caches a glimpse of the flame and asks Beaty what abut fir makes it so beautiful and captivating with witch he replies "its perpetual motion; the thing man wanted to invent but never did."then montag is forced to burn his own book and house, or face the mechanical hound.While burring his books he thinks of how the fire is the best for everything as it cleanses the house. When Montag is done he lights Beaty on fire after saying we never really burned . the mechanical hound stands across the lawn it attacks Montag shoots a blast of flame at the metal dog but it hits his leg with the needle making montag leg go num with anesthetized.
Symbols: Swan feathers are compared to white coverless books which are art like feathers of a swan. Montag plus Faber, Fire plus water. This symbol shows that Montag and Faber are complete opposite from each other yet they work together create something new. Poker is a symbol that Beaty already has all the cards and knows Montag has the books. The spiders show that the men are sneeky and have cut thier pray which is books
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