Friday, November 14, 2014

chapter 2 log 1

Mildred believes the tv people called The Family are more real then the books that Montag reads, and montag begins wandering if The Family loves Mildred shown in this "does your family love you, love you very much, love you with all there heart and soul " so montag is saying the family is not reall pepole and thay have no emoshine. In the reading today we are introduced to the white clown which is a program on tv, and also introduced to Faber-(which his name could mean like a fable or story. Faber was an english teacher, he recites poems often from the book he illegally owns. Montag begins asking Faber how many copies of the bible, Shakespeare, and Plato are left in the country. wich shows all grat werks of art are likly gone.

allusions: The old and new testament is alluding to the Bible.

Symbols: Mildred is compared to a wax doll melting in its own heat because she is lifeless and having a emotional meltdown.

vocab:   suffused - a over flowing color
              sieve - a iteum used for sifting
             knoll- is a bell or sowend

side note : 1990 the Iraq war start and 1990was a date mensed with in the story, like a pridictionmade by brad barry

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